Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wedding ring puts on the fourth finger?

Hello everyone! Well it's been a while since my last post. Today I received one forward mail (another common one) from my colleague. And guess what? Its about why people wear their wedding rings on the forth finger. Being so curious, I tried the steps as shown below:

Why wedding ring should put on the forth finger?

The reason will be shown as follows:

  • Show your palm, centre finger (Jari hantu) bend and put together back to back.
  • The rest 4 fingers tips to tips.
Now let the game begin, follow the below arrangement, 5 finger but only 1 pair can split.

Try to open your thumb (Ibu Jari), the thumb represent parents, it can be open cause all human does go through sickness and died. Which means, our parents will leave us one day.

Please close up your thumb (Ibu Jari), then open your second finger (Jari Telunjuk), the finger represent brothers and sisters, they too will have their own family/life, in which they will leave us too.

Now close up your second finger (Jari Telunjuk), open up your litter finer(Jari Kelingking), this represent your children. Sooner or later they too will leave us for they got they own living to live.

Nevertheless, close up your litter finer (Jari Kelingking), try to open your forth finger (which we put our wedding ring), you will be surprise to find that it cannot be open at all. Because it represent husband and wife, this whole life you will be attach to each other.

"Real love will stick together ever and forever"

Thumb represent parents
Second finger represent brothers & sisters
Centre finger represent own self
Fourth finger represent your partner
Last finger represent your children

:: credits ::
To the person that made this beautiful concept
CI Jenny for this mail
Roselina, for helping me snapping those photos


Konea K. said...

omg! hahaha. i feel like an OKU when I failed to separate my forth finger.
That's one good post! :D hehehe.
sweet sweeet~

Emmanuel Lim said...

hahahaha... Thanks for the comment. Everyone tried to do that too and they also felt like OKU :D I have an additional info on this post. I'll give it an update later :)